Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sweet November!

Have a wonderful birthday month to all Scorpio people around the World. Enjoy! <3

Personal and Social Life in 2012:

If you're one of the lucky ones who have investments or savings, Scorpio, you could already be ahead, recession or no recession. While too many of your friends and family members are frantically counting their pennies, your present lifestyle is only slightly less than it once was.

Still, there are other matters that need to be dealt with. Perhaps a tree in your yard is dying or an unexpected accident happens. For this, you're going to need help.

The New Moon in Scorpio falls on November 13, so you can expect some interesting new developments around this time. You could move to a new house, start a new job, or, if you're single, start a new love relationship.

Deep down inside, you're concocting new possibilities, such as starting your own business or selling an innovative concept to an entrepreneur. Changes can be good for you - even if they don't work out as originally planned. 

Love in 2012 for Couples:

Jupiter, the planet of weddings, is now in Taurus, your opposite sign, and therefore your relationship is probably very stable. Taurus is a docile and loving sign, and as Venus is its ruling planet, your present relationship is loving and mutually supportive.

Yet your partner may not always understand the dark moods that hit you every now and then. It might be a good idea that you warn your partner every time your moody side is out. Send him/her to the movies or to hang out with friends during these times.

The coming of spring bodes very well for your relationship. On the day of the Spring Equinox, Venus and Jupiter will both be in Taurus, your opposite sign, and the Moon will be in romantic Pisces. If you've been planning a vacation, this is the time to take it!

The New Moon in Scorpio in November, however, brings a need to go through your financial records and make sure that you're in good shape. Nothing can zap a good relationship like money problems. Take care!

Love in 2012 for Singles:

Scorpios aren't the type to walk up to an attractive stranger and hit on him/her. They have a way of simply looking at appealing people without saying a word. Eventually, the other person will make an approach - probably about if you know each other. This leads to a conversation about people whom they might know and other topics of conversation.

You may find yourself meeting someone this way this year, and talk way into the wee hours of the morning. And you should not let your new friend leave until you have his/her phone number!

The initial attraction of a Scorpio is the intensity of his/her gaze, and that knowing little smile. Scorpios are masters of innuendo, and if you're still casually seeing one person, you might trigger some jealousy in another.

This will only enhance the mystique you have -if nothing else, for a while you and at least one of these people will have a good time. Even if one of you moves on, you'll remember it forever. 

Career and Money in 2012:

Scorpios rarely enjoy being an underling. They view themselves as smarter than anyone else at the workplace. They don't, however, rub their skills in other's faces. Their supervisors and co-workers are very much aware that they are clever people who don't mind hard work.

Scorpios don't mind working overtime, and they are rarely late for work. They mean to get their job done, and they almost never really mess up. This year is no exception. You can accomplish career feats you never expected if you put your serious work ethic into full throttle.

The Scorpios of this world pass on too many breaks and get on with the job. Sometimes colleagues who like to go to lunch together wonder what their Scorpio co-workers think of them. You may find yourself alienated or isolated at work, so make an effort to be a bit more social if you want to fit in better. You can climb to the top and make friends, Scorpio!
p/s: utk mereka yang b'agama islam tak perlu la taksub sangat ya! =)

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